This page is here for archive purposes, to showcase CFO and European Social Fund (ESF) achievements between 2009 - 2015. For information on the latest ESF funded National Offender Management Service (NOMS) programme, please click here


Projects aimed at improving employability are seen as key to changing offender's lives and reducing reoffending. Since January 2010, the NOMS European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing programme has been working with participants who would benefit from additional employment and skills provision.

The NOMS ESF Programme aims to complement existing provision, particulary the Offender Learning and Skills Service (OLASS) in prisons as well as other existing employment and skills services.


More than the Sum - Latest

As part of the Social Enterprise (SE) Programme funded through the NOMS CFO Technical Assistance (TA) Programme, we are undertaking a major procurement exercise.

The final version of the specification for the procurement exercise can be found here (pdf document).

Stage One of the exercise has been completed and the successful bidders can be found here (MS Excel document).

A copy of the Stage Two RFP questions can now be found here for reference. Responses must be submitted via the Ministry of Justice eSourcing portal.

Funding available

  • Lot 1: National up to £250k (up to 1 grant available)
  • Lot 2: Regional up to £150k (up to 2 grants available)
  • Lot 3: Local up to £50k (up to 8 grants available)
  • Lot 4: SW including Cornwall up to £100k (up to 2 grants available)
  • Lot 5: SW including Cornwall up to £50k (up to 2 grants available)

Further Information

  • Clarification points surrounding this programme can be found here.
  • Myth buster for the programme can be found here.

Social Enterprise Programme Database

Our SE database, which includes contact details and pen pictures information for organisations who have registered an interest with us or attended one of our events, can be found below:

PDF document - download.

MS Excel document - download.

If you would like to update and or submit a pen picture to register an interest or be part of our programme/s, please complete and submit a pen picture to us.

Members of the NOMS CFO Social Enterprise Programme can be contacted via [email protected] or via telphone on 01925 423 400.

Social Enterprise

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Crown Copyright (c) NOMS Co-financing