This page is here for archive purposes, to showcase CFO and European Social Fund (ESF) achievements between 2009 - 2015. For information on the latest ESF funded National Offender Management Service (NOMS) programme, please click here

NOMS Co-financing Organisation

Projects aimed at improving employability are seen as key to changing offender's lives and reducing reoffending. Since January 2010, the NOMS European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing programme has been working with participants who would benefit from additional employment and skills provision.

The NOMS ESF Programme aims to complement existing provision, particulary the Offender Learning and Skills Service (OLASS) in prisons as well as other existing employment and skills services.


Case Study Opportunity from Social Firms UK

Clinks and Social Firms UK have been commissioned by the Home Office to undertake a piece of work to collect case studies from and about social enterprises working to enable offenders (both adult and young offenders) to access training and employment opportunities.

Social enterprises could be paid up to �2000 to produce a case study that captures and shares current key learning and effective practice around these issues.

The Expression of Interest needs to be sent to the address on the attached application form (no more than 500 words) by 22nd February. They will then commission up to 20 organisations to provide their case studies, and will pay �2,000 for each one commissioned and completed.

They are looking for stories that highlight lessons and move the debate onwards � the actual outcome can be successful or unsuccessful as long as the learning is clearly highlighted.

The Invitation and the Application Form are below and should be returned to Social Firms UK.

* Applications have now closed *

Crown Copyright (c) NOMS Co-financing