Provider Report - Yorkshire and Humberside - Sex Offenders
The prime provider, West Yorkshire Probation Trust, has provision for sex offenders in both custody and community settings; however a focus was placed on custody provision. When on the programme, participants are offered a series of core group workshops that involve help with disclosing their offence properly, an employability module that identifies their transferable skills and a series of motivational sessions. After the core work is complete, the participant is offered further intensive one-to-one support. Finally, when a participant is released in to the community they are offered through-the-gate support if they are released in to the area.
The themes found from this research revolved around the perception of sex offenders, negating the stigma associated with it and promoting a sense of what participants can achieve; in order to refute the notion that sex offenders typically have in feeling that they have no prospects. Housing was a particular issue for participants in this CFO region; 69% of participants required this need and it was stated in interviews that there was more scope for sub-group provision with respect to this.
The report is available to read or download here: Provider Report - Yorkshire and Humberside
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